Wednesday, April 26, 2017

           The Achievement of our Young Scientists

24th International Conference of Young Scientists (ICYS) - 2017
The International Conference of Young Scientists -2017 was held from 16th to 22nd of April 2017 in Stutgartt, Germany. Sri Lanka participated for the first time at the event as a competitive country. Out of 16 student researches evaluated at the national level, two researches at the international standard were forwarded to the ICYS – 2017. Hence Master Rakindu Wickramaratne, from Nalanda College, Colombo and Master Jude Sajith Jitendran from Mn/ Sithy Vinayagar M.V. Mannar represented Sri Lanka at the event 2017.

It is very proud to inform that Sri Lanka was able to win a silver medal at its very first participation in this very competitive research conference. Master Rakindu Wickramaratne won a silver medal for his research, Deposition of air pollutants on pollen grains and occurance of respiration allergies among human while  Master Jude Sajith Jitendran was awarded a participation certificate for his research, Modification of Microbial fuel cells via the immobilization of the anaerobe Clostridium butyricum and Escherichia coli- XII blue.

28 countries around the world including Russia, Iran, Germany, Brazil, India, Indonesia participated at the event and 15 gold medals, 17 silver medals and 36 bronze medals were awarded under the five broad research themes Life sciences, Environmental sciences, Physics, Computer sciences and Mathematics. Together with Sri Lanka Turkey, France and Lithuvinia were also made their debut participation but Sri Lanka was the only country that could win a silver medal at the very first representation. Also while the other countries could win more medals out of their more number of participation, Sri Lanka won this achievement out of its two researches forwarded. The participation and achievement of Sri Lanka, the standard of the research and the cultural event presented by the students were much appreciated by the international jury. We hope that this kind of exposures and opportunities will motivate our student population towards research based competencies.

These students were affiliated with senior scientists Dr. Sudheera Ranawala, the head of plant sciences department, university of Colombo, Dr.Gamini Piyadasa, Senior research scientist, Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology and Dr. Sameera Samarakoon, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of University of Colombo. They worked voluntarily with these young scientists and guided them throughout. Also Institutions like Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology, Medical Research Institute and Industrial Technology Institute are also much appreciated for their volunteer support in terms of developing protocols, guidance and technical support provided for these young scientist. Their service is of great value as a motivation towards this national task.
Congratulations for our winners!

The world is so wide! So our the avenues and opportunities!



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